Friday 1 January 2016

Hello, 2016!

I of all people know what it's like to set targets and not achieve them, after telling myself I'll begin exercise, next year, every year. Honestly, if that ever happens I'll probably be so happy I'll treat myself to a great dinner out and end up putting whatever's lost back on! However, I'm feeling inspired and I'm also very eager this year for change. You know, new year, new me and all that it entails. So, without further ado, here are my 2016 new years resolutions:

1) Stop whining. Like seriously. There's a lot of petty stuff that I feel the need to complain about and I don't want to be that person.

2) See the good in everything. The world is so full of beauty and purity and a lot of the time it's hard to not notice the bad out of situations: this doesn't mean I'll be blind to the thought of evil in the world, but yet trying to exclude the bad from parts of my life it doesn't need to be in.

3) Exercise. Dreaded, dreaded exercise really isn't something I particularly want to put on here because there's still a little part of me presuming I may not succeed, but I really want to challenge myself to be more motivated and I guess this is one way to put that to the test. Plus, who doesn't want a cute bikini body ready for the summer England probably isn't going to get?

4) Save up. For anyone else considering this I would definitely say do it! The best way I've found is I was gofted a terramundi pot that has to be smashed to open - and I really don't want to do that. In a way, I feel sort of pressured to put my spare change into it. I'm currently saving for flight funds as in a few years I'm wanting to spend quite a bit of time with friends who live in America. Having something that I want and have wanted for a long time so badly gives me a lot of hope in my saving and it doesn't have to be a lot! I frequently throw my spare silvers in there, and I'm going to try this year to put more of the pounds and two pounds I end up with there also. I tend to keep a spare pot for coppers, though. 

5) My final and probable favourite on the list is: Adventure! I want 2016 to be a great year and I don't think a better help for this is adventure. I'm hoping I will get to travel and explore new places, but as a resolution I'm trying to remember that adventure is in everything! Finding that adventure, the thrill is something I want to work on next year, whether that is in places, myself or other people even. 

As for everyone else, I hope your new years is as wonderful as yourselves! Tackle those resolutions and make this year one to remember.

Happy New Year

kt .xx

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