Thursday 17 December 2015

Goodbye 2015...

Nearing the 1st January, every day I'm getting more frantic to begin with the whole 'fresh start'. Thos year is nearly over and it's been insane! I feel like I've done both nohing and everything all at once and I don't ever want it to end but at the same time can not wait. I thought that since I was stuck in a whirlwind of an abindance lf emotions, I'd sit myself down and actually look over and see all the things I've done, places I've been, people I've seen. So here a few of them are:

(In order...ish)

1) I met my favourite youtuber, Tony Wedral

2) I saw McBusted live

3) I fell in love

4) I met my internest bestfriend Kacie! I travelled to Scotland and spent a few days with her there

5) I saw James Bay, got barrier and met his support act then got kicked out of the venue cause the support band and James' pianist were speaking to me #notevensorry

6) Saw The Vamps live for the 3rd time and finally met James and Connor! I also met the most wonderful friendship group - of which I wouldn't be writing this blog post right now without. They're definitely a large inspiration to me

7) Travelled across the country to see Pentatonix

8) Saw 5 Seconds of the Summer for the 2nd time

9) Got reunited with Kacie, and travelled a little around the North East with her for a few days

10) Stayed with my mum's friends in London for a getaway from all the friendship drama at home. Yes, I can run away from all my problems

11) Flew to Texas for two weeks to see all my family friends there, had probably the bwst time of my life. Saw Def Leppard there too

12) Got rid of a toxic friendship. Finally

13) Saw James Bay. Again. Met his new support act. Again

14) Saw The Vamps for the 2nd time this year, 4th time in total, all the way in Birmingham! Managed to meet one of my longtime internet friends too

15) Saw Years and Years and met Olly - the cutest human ever - and some lovely friends at the same time

16) Saw One Direction with another internet pal for the 2nd time and spent some time up in Newcastle enjoying the city life (someone rescue me from this town, my heart is in the city!!)

17) Saw The 1975, had the coolest time ever. Met some cool boys who stole my Hannah Montana blanket and almost met Ratboy but had to catch the train before we missed the third one we were supposed to, totally worth it

18) Saw my mums favourite band, Def Leppard, with her after surprising her with tickets (again) for her birthday. It's so sweet seeing her face light up

19) That brings us to today. My final great memory is looking back on all of these. There's infinite great, and equally bad, times this year has brought me and while I've only named a select few that are interesting (mainly concerts and travels...oops), this year has been one I think I'll remember forever. 

Here's to an amazing 2016, for every single person reading this. Well done for making it another year. I'm proud of you. 

KT .x

P.S.: Merry Christmas if i don't get around to making a blog before then. I've been really crap at keeping updated recently!

Sunday 15 November 2015

Matthew Healy

After reading a strikingly beautiful - yet slightly alarming - article about none other than Matty Healy of The 1975, with the occasional mention of 'the other three', I made the decision to write my own take on my favourite person in the music industry, and potentially the entire world bar, you know, family and stuff.

'No one's asking you to inspire a revolution, but inspire something.' Is a phrase quoted by Healy that attracted my attention. I thought about the world and the political issues and peoples morals and how much they've changed over the past 50, 30, 10 years. Marriage, as one of many examples, this is shown: if something is wrong, someone's unhappy with a movement, they remove themselves from the situation. What we should really be doing is working to make it right! We can not keep running from our dilemmas and hiding from the real world, we're losing it, losing the world that once was, and I wonder if the raging teen online feminists will actually be the generation who 'revive' us. A revolution, some may say, is what we need and to an extent I agree but Matty really has the idea of inspiring something, someone, in itself is really the biggest gift we could give to the world. I know he's most definitely inspired me and whether that is as being a perfectly decent human being or with the work I do with my music I am yet to decide, but am leaning towards a combination of the two.

His change to himself is as true to me as his lyrical genius-ness. As a girl who grew up in a church-like home, never been near drugs, rarely even parties I'm not quite sure how or why I got into enjoying the profound words he spews onto sheets but there's something about the past and realness in them that makes my soul happy. His state of mind is something I'd love to get to know and as a person who I, not so much as look up to, but admire, I feel the bands songs help me get closer to him. I felt it unfair to name this article 'The 1975' and will argue till the day I die that I adore the other band members so much but this piece was purely for Matty and his pretentious self due to the provoking article  and I just wanted to get my thoughts out about him.

There is nothing in this post that will ever reveal the amount of love I have for him and this band but the fact I even tried to put into words my thoughts on him show that he's on my mind, always. February 2016 will prove to me an amazing month, I'm hoping, due to the release of their second album 'I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware Of It'. I also get to see the band the last date of their tour this month, 28th November, in Manchester and also March 13th in Manchester so that should be a lot of fun and I'm excited to see how they deliver old and new songs live!

Friday 6 November 2015

The Stars are Crying

So yesterday was bonfire night in England, and as always, my town had a display by the beach. Me and a few of my friends, despite the rain, headed down and watched the show. The bad weather cleared up soon enough and it was surprisingly warm for the time of year! I'd forgot how wonderful the fireworks are, and was completely in awe. It was so lovely to see friends I don't usually meet up with outside of school and stuff too and I spent the night looking at the beautiful sky with beautiful friends. One of them said "it's like the stars are falling apart" which then inspired my title 'the stars are crying'. I thought that was really cute and thought provoking!!

Monday 26 October 2015

Welcome || One Direction's OTRA Tour

Hello! I'm Katie, welcome to my blog. I'm very bad at introductions so I figured, why not get straight into things!

Yesterday, I had the chance to go see one of my favourite bands, One Direction, live for the second time. It's been over a year since the last time and since then Zayn's left and new music has been released so it was really exciting to experience the changes. Being two rows from the front added to the excitement, although generally in that arena there's a decent view from any seat. However, this particular show I was thankful for the seats as Harry waved twice and Louis swore then laughed at me, typically. Besides the actual show, I got to meet a few internet friends. I was sat with one and met some others during the break who I am so thankful for! It was a great night, and I'm hoping after their 'break' I'll have the chance to see them again sometime.